Bard College

Additional Courses Offered This Semester

MPZ 000
GETTING STONED AND LISTENING TO MUSIC. This course investigates the personal, inter-personal, and quasi-personal aspects of issues surrounding the activity of sound-listening; participants are encouraged to create or compose sound-texts and verbal-texts which pertain to an exploration--in a non-rigidified, anti-hierarchical modality--of sound-text listening issues. Bring your own dope. Wed
2:00 or whenever
Brook House
Fud U82
SNEAKING INTO KLINE. Intended primarily for off-campus students, this course provides the student with methodological tools useful in the acquisition of pasty, bland nourishment from the food service. The ethical dilemma of whether or not this is "stealing" is best pondered on a full stomach and will be addressed at the midterm. Also open to resident students who have gotten off the meal plan by pretending to be macrobiotic. Mon - Fri
Around the back door
Old 442
NOSTALGIA SEMINAR. (Enrollment limited to 10 jaded seniors) This class provides a forum for discussion of why Bard has gotten so much worse since your first year. Convincing statistical studies (with full-color charts) will verify that you consumed at least 10 kegs a week during L & T, that most professors used to do bong hits before class, and that at least half of this year's new students belong to the NRA and/or the John Birch Society. Students who call the old gym "the student center" will be expected to withdraw from the course. Thursdays
Manor roof
Nat Sci 123
THINKING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO KNOW SOMEONE WHO USES MATH. Designed for the liberal arts student only recently introduced to the concept of numbers, this course focuses on the philosophical, rather than the practical, aspects of mathematics. Topics covered include: People who balance their checkbook, people who can tell time, people who know how much the bus costs. Monday
Little hand on the 2, big hand on the 12
Olin auditorium

by Paul Bissex '91 (

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